
You can install the released version from CRAN:


Alternatively, you can install the development version from GitHub:


Functionality Overview

rFIA Function Description
area Estimate land area in various classes
areaChange Estimate annual change in land area in various classes
biomass Estimate biomass & carbon stocks of standing trees
carbon Estimate carbon stocks by IPCC forest carbon pools
customPSE Estimate custom variables
clipFIA Spatial & temporal queries for FIA data
diversity Estimate diversity indices (e.g. species diversity)
dwm Estimate volume, biomass, and carbon stocks of down woody material
fsi Estimate Forest Stability Index for live tree populations
getDesignInfo Summarize attributes of FIA’s post-stratified inventories
getFIA Download FIA data, load into R, and optionally save to disk
growMort Estimate recruitment, mortality, and harvest rates
intersectFIA Join attributes of a spatial polygon(s) to FIA’s PLOT table
invasive Estimate areal coverage of invasive species
plotFIA Produce static & animated plots of FIA summaries
readFIA Load FIA database into R environment from disk
seedling Estimate seedling abundance (TPA)
standStruct Estimate forest structural stage distributions
tpa Estimate abundance of standing trees (TPA & BAA)
vitalRates Estimate live tree growth rates
volume Estimate merchantable volume of standing trees
writeFIA Write in-memory FIA Database to disk

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